Announcing Our 4th Quarter 2020 Living Our Values Award
February 12, 2021
Each quarter, we ask our UCS Healthcare team to nominate and then vote for a colleague that they believe lives our values every day. The winner is recognized at a company meeting - or in today's environment, a company Zoom - and receives a $50 gift certificate to our UCS Company Store as well as a plaque to be hung in the North Lobby of the UCS West Des Moines office and a plaque for the winner's work space.
The winner of the 4th Quarter 2020 award was announced today - Emily Miller, EHR Coordinator. Here are a few excerpts from her nominations:
- Emily is kind and compassionate to our patients. She has taught me, encouraged me, guided me and I love my job because of it.
- She answers questions from patients and staff and if she doesn't know the answer, she finds out for you. She works hard to make UCS better.
- The best manager I've ever had, a leader for this company.
Congratulations, Emily, and thank you for your commitment to UCS Healthcare and our patients!